We are thrilled to announce The 7th Annual QX104’s Slo Pitch 4 A Wish event will take place on Saturday, September 6th, 2025 at Little Mountain Sportsplex in support of Make-A-Wish Canada.
For this year we’re once again planning a fun, family-friendly event hosted by the QX104 staff, that includes Slo-Pitch action, 50/50 Draws, Rainbow Auction, kids activities, a pitching contest, and returning this year, the vendor market.
Since the inaugural year in 2017, we’ve raised nearly $478,000. Last year we had over 90 teams participate and raised over $104,000!
Every 20 minutes a child is diagnosed with a critical illness. A wish is much more than a “nice to have” it is a need! Wishes are an essential component of a child’s treatment protocol. When you help grant a wish, you create a turning point in a child’s recovery and help them believe that anything is possible.
Sign up your team TODAY!
Interested in being part of our Vendor Market? CLICK HERE TO REGISTER!
Date and Time: September 6th, 2025. Approximately 8am – 10pm (Full schedule will be released closer to the event) *Rain date September 7th.
Games: 3 Game Guarantee (Weather dependent)
Registration Fee is $100 (This fee is non-refundable and counts towards the minimum $500 fundraising goal)
Minimum fundraising amount = $500 (Teams MUST raise a minimum of $500 to participate in the Tournament)
The top fundraising team will participate in the Celebrity Game taking on the artists and QX104 staff.
- Registration and Minimum fundraising goal deadline ($500): Friday, August 22nd, 2025 *(Teams must have raised a minimum of $500 to qualify to play in the tournament)
- Fundraising cutoff deadline to count towards “Top Fundraising Team Prize”: Friday, September 5th, 2025 by 4:00pm
Tournament Rules:
- Co-ed Slo-Pitch Rules apply, no fewer than ten players are fielded, and 4 of them are required to be female. As for the batting order, no more than two males in a row. The total roster size is 20 players.
- Games will be self-umpired, featuring the “mat” technique for strike zones.
- No stealing or bunting.
- If any team is late starting a game, their 1st bats will be forfeited. If a team is not ready to play in 10 minutes after game time the games will be considered forfeited.
- The pitching height will be between 6 and 12 feet. For safety issues, pitchers may stand up to 10 feet behind the pitching rubber.
The full official rules list will be disclosed at the tournament.
If you need any assistance with the Make-A-Wish Team Fundraising Page contact.
Melanie Johnston
Officer, Development
Make-A-Wish® Canada
Thank you to our sponsors who make this event possible.